March 4, 2011

Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss!

In honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday the kids are doing all things CRAZY on Friday! They dressed in their silliest attire and brought a fun game or puzzle for circle time. I have a feeling the teachers have their hands full today--but hopefully the kids cooperate and have a wonderful fun-filled Friday.

January 15, 2011

Pajama Day!

Morning snack--oreos made great faces for pictures!

Here are some pictures of the kids during morning snack on Friday, January 14, 2011. They worked on the letter "P" this week, doing many crafts and having fun snacks. Friday was full of pretzels, pizza, and pajamas! I *think* the kids had a fun day!

December 16, 2010

Christmas Program!

Here are some pictures & short videos of the kids singing today! They did a great job and I know Santa was excited to get to visit them. Merry Christmas, everyone!


October 30, 2010

Star Student

This weeks Star Student is Mr. Jake. Jake is the youngest out of all the Happy Days kiddos, he turned 3 in June. If you ever see Kansas Jayhawk things at the daycare you can always count on it being Jake's! He's a smiley little boy and gets so excited about the littlest things he learns to do, that's what makes teaching so worth it! When we looked at Jake's pictures on the board he told us that "he loves to eat cake, got married, and was in the hospital when he was borned!" Feel free to check out Jake's pictures on the board this week!


Here is the school picture the kids took on the firetruck. If you would like a copy let us know and we will look into pricing for it. I don't know the full details on it all but I just thought I'd post it so everyone could see how great it was!
Thank you Megan for uploading the videos! We had a fun time dressing up in our Halloween costumes yesterday! Everyone looked so great! I also thought the kiddos did an excellent job singing their songs. I thought they might be shy but they seemed to do just fine! I will post everyone's costumes, the only one were missing is Ms. Tessa, she wasn't feeling well so she couldn't make it, hope she's feeling better though! I want to wish everyone a Happy Halloween, have fun, be safe, and get lots of candy!
Our Program

Halloween Bunch!

Cowboy Jake!

Miss Chloe- Jessie the Cowgirl!

Haley Bunny!

Kitty Cat Brielle!

Easter Bunny Emilie!

The Tinkerbells- Katie and Lesa

Ms. Tinkerbell- Katie

Cinderella Ashlyn

Ballerina Witch Maddie

Buzz Lighter Elijah to the Rescue!
Mr. Incredible Caden

Spider man in cowboy boots- Beau

Five Little Pumpkins song

October 29, 2010

Halloween Program Videos

Hi- I'm Chloe's mom, Megan!

Here are some short videos from the Halloween Program today. They are only about 10 seconds each but I can't upload longer ones very easily so this is how it goes.

Kids--you did a FANTASTIC job! I even heard comments on how easily your words were understood and sang very clearly. Teachers--thanks for giving the kids the opportunity to perform for others; you do a great job and we appreciate everything you do!

October 20, 2010

Catch up Post!

Sorry All,
I have been so busy I haven't had a chance to update the blog in a while. I promise I didn't forget about the kiddos that had Birthdays in the past few weeks, and the start student we had! So we will start from the beginning.

Miss Brielle Turned Five! Brielle turned five on October 10, 2010! I am so proud of the little girl you are turning into, you have grown so much just since I met you a year ago. You are turning into a wonderful young girl!

 Miss Haley also had a Birthday in October, hers was this past Monday October 18. She turned five as well. I have had a great pleasure getting to know Haley these past few months and she is so grown up, she was definitely ready to be five! 

I was bummed I didn't get a chance to make it to picture/firetruck day so I wasn't able to take pictures so there won't be any to post on here. I did however ask the kids all about it and they really enjoyed seeing seeing the fire truck and they all smiled big! (At least that's what they said! I bet they turn out great! Last week we did a review of the letters A-G and we learned about fire prevention- Make sure you quiz your child on what number they call when there's an emergency, they should be able to tell you! 

I know it was a while ago but we did an awesome job on the show-n-tell for the letter G- very creative! I will upload some of the pictures from that so you can see some of the good ones...Now's the tricky one- letter H. Good Luck! 
Tessa and her Giraffe

Chloe and her Golf ball

Elijah and his Game Guess Who- he is very good at playing this game!- (He beat me!)

Jake had a picture of his Grandma and Grandpa

Ashlyn brought Garfield for us to watch! I heard it was good!

Elijah is our start student this week! If you every need a laugh just talk to this goofy guy. He always has funny jokes to tell and his laugh is contagious! He is also a very artistic boy, he loves to color, especially Toy Story pictures. Elijah has a little sister that he is in love with. He was meant to be a big brother and he sure is great at it! He is always coloring his pictures for his sister Natalie and I am sure she enjoys them! Elijah has a bunch of pictures on the board, some of them include- a family photo (mom, dad, Natalie and Elijah) Christmas time, Birthdays, The Wiggles, his friends, and even pictures of Elijah just being his silly self! -Thanks for sharing Elijah! 
I would personally like to wish Myrietta a very Happy Birthday tomorrow, because as bad as I can be about updating it I figured it would be better to do it early then post it late. Thanks for all the hard work and dedication you put into the daycare Myrietta, without you none of this would be possible, and I wouldn't have had the opportunity to work with this great group of kids. You do a lot and we are thankful! Have a great Birthday!

Okay I think I am finally all caught up, I hope everyone has an awesome week! Feel free to post comments or posts of your own, because we all know how great I am at keeping things up to date!

October 3, 2010

Hope everyone had a wonderful Oktoberfest weekend! We had a short week learning the letter F but looking at the tracer pages at the end of the week, I think the kids caught on very well. We are starting on the letter G this week, so if you want to start thinking about letter G show-n-tells now you can! We have a lot of birthday's this month, there are four total, Miss Ashlyn is turning 5 tomorrow so I hope she has a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I will announce the others as they come up! Hope everyone has a great week ahead, I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!